Bob Dylan movies

Have you seen every Bob Dylan movie ?

I have found a list of all the movies Bob Dylan has made or had a part in from and have also done my best to include videos and product links for each film.

  1. Masked and Anonymous (2003) …. Jack Fate
  2. Buy Masked and Anonymous from

  3. Paradise Cove (1999) …. Alfred – Chauffeur
  4. Hearts of Fire (1987) …. Billy Parker

    Buy Hearts of Fire on VHS from

  5. Renaldo and Clara Renaldo and Clara (1978) …. Renaldo
  6. Buy 1975 (The Bootleg Series Volume 5) CD from

  7. Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973) …. Alias
    … aka Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (USA: poster title)
  8. Buy Pat Garrett and Bill the Kid DVD from
    Buy Bob Dylan – Pat Garrett and Bill the Kid Soundtrack CD from

  9. The Madhouse on Castle Street The Madhouse on Castle Street (1963) (TV) …. Bobby
    … aka Sunday-Night Play: The Madhouse on Castle Street BBC (UK: series title)

There is no footage of The Madhouse on Castle Street but the BBC have posted information about it here

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4 responses to “Bob Dylan movies

  1. Loved M&A- love, love, love… and have seen Pat Garrett and BtK… “alias anything you please!”
    Thanks for the clips of the others- would love to get my hands on Renaldo and Clara…

  2. You’re missing one. Backtrack, starring Dennis Hopper. Dylan is uncredited. He does a very, very funny turn as a chainsaw artist. BACKTRACK Scroll way down to find the mention.

    My sister-in-law, Anne Louise Bardach, wrote the screenplay.

  3. william Meeker

    He did his own movie with him, flipping signs with words to the tune of “Johnny’s in the Basement,” somewhere around 1970? Anyone know about Red John or Annie Grasso?

  4. How’s about Gods and Generals?

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